



保全と未来を担う子供たちの育成に貢献して いきたいと考えております。


理事長 愛知和男


 ・文化芸術の創造継承活動 など



専務理事 伊澤信義

NPO World Heritage Concert is guided by the principle that “enlightening people to better understand and preserve World Heritage sites and UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage―the collective treasures of all humankind―will contribute to the sound development of the next generation and the promotion of social education.” Tasked with the mission of promoting our activities through concerts and special events, the World Heritage Concert Committee was founded in 2008 and later incorporated as non-profit organization in 2010.

Our aim is to “preserve World Heritage sites; UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage; and the cultural products of Japan, in addition to enhancing public understanding for local culture and encouraging greater public interest in the global environment.”

Moreover, an important derivative project of ours is working in support of “the government and its related organizations, local authorities, and regional revitalization projects where municipalities cooperate.” 

As human beings we seek inner peace and enrichment of the mind through music when we experience environmental changes or are faced with difficulties.

We encourage you to enjoy music through our theme of performances at World Heritage sites and UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in your local area.
NPO World Heritage Concert’s continuing efforts will turn your beautiful hometown into a stage.

NPO World Heritage Concert was established for the purpose of “Creating mutual understanding between cultures through music performed on the stages of humankind’s treasures, our World Heritage sites. Our goal is to foster common friendship through genuine interactions and create peace.”

When these concerts are held at World Heritage sites something magical happens and the performers create a mysterious space that transcends race and culture and “comforts us” as human beings.

In this type of atmosphere “Earthlings” with entirely new hearts are born transcending person to person, culture to culture, and country to country.  Our hope is that our World Heritage Concerts will foster Earthlings’ hearts at the same time that they contribute to preserving the common treasure of humankind, the “World Heritage sites,” and nurture a future generation to carry on that work.

We would appreciate your continuous understanding and support for the World Heritage Concert’s activities.

Thank you.

Mr. Kazuo Aichi
Chairman of the Board
NPO World Heritage Concert

NPO World Heritage Concert helps carry humankind’s treasures from
the past into the future.

Our organization’s activities extend from initiatives to preserve our World Heritage sites to contributing to the creation of a more familiar living environment:

・Enlighten people not to destroy any more of our beautiful natural environment
・Promote social education for our future heritage―nurturing the children who
 will bear responsibility for future generations
・Contribute to community development so that all human beings can be proud
 that their hometown is the most wonderful place in the world
・Create and pass down culture and art to future generations

Based on recommendations and implementation for the creation of a sustainable society, we will pass down to future generations—through music and art—humankinds’ indispensable treasures.

We appreciate your continuing support for our activities

Mr. Nobuyoshi Izawa
Executive Director
NPO World Heritage Concert

事業内容 -Business Outline-

1. 世界遺産への理解を啓発する事業
Enlighten people to better understand World Heritage sites
・Organize concerts and special events both in Japan and overseas countries and regions

2. 世界遺産の保全を推進する国や地域の観光支援事業
Support tourism in countries and regions promoting the preservation of World Heritage sites
・Plan and supervise concert going trips
・Commission work to raise awareness of World Heritage sites and UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of countries and regions in conjunction with various embassies and governmental tourist bureaus

3. 地方創生活動や自治体の開催する催事支援事業
Support regional revitalization projects and local government events
・Commission work to raise awareness of World Heritage sites and UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage in Japan, in cooperation with the government and related organizations

4. 保全団体への寄付
Offer donations to conservation groups
・Donate a portion of the proceeds to related organizations

5. SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)の推奨と実践を図る活動
Business activities to recommend and implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)